Rachel Stubbings, Shooting The Breeze

Shooting The Breeze September 2017

What a lovely time we all had. Apart from two films, a directorial debut by Mike Wozniak called SUMP, which I think needs to stay offline for a bit, and a new/old sketch from The Blaine Brothers, all the films from Septembers Shooting The Breeze are below.

Big thank you to Jim Cummings, Toby Williams, Ben Mallaby, Jon Drever, Matteo Mosterts, Chris and Ben Blaine, Mike Wozniak and all that came. Get a fuzzy feeling inside just thinking about it.


It’s all right, it’s ok from Jim Cummings on Vimeo.

Thunder Road from Jim Cummings on Vimeo.

The Thinker from Grain Media on Vimeo.

Afternoon Delight from Matteo J. Mosterts on Vimeo.

Whip in Toilet from Ben Mallaby on Vimeo.